Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Well, it's true that....

There really aren't a lot of you out there. But honestly, I don't care. I don't think there's anyone out there reading this... If there is, let me know. If not, then finally I'm letting it all out. Which is very very very nice. I've got something else for you today. It's from an old journal:

Stage Fright

The fear
Stops me
Grips me
Holds me tight
My eyes widen
Wide as a doe's
In the blinding spot light

A sea of eyes
A pool of faces
Lookin up
Waiting, Wondering
For me to begin

Beads of sweat
I start
Foll down my nose
I speak
Drip onto the mic
I recite
Poetry in life

I finish
Take a step back

And just one more little tid bit:

Surely I'm not in love
Surely for him I lust
Surely for love I long
Surely I'm not to trust

If you're there, tell me about you.
Stay rad,

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