Monday, June 28, 2010

One more thing for tonight.

I just wanted to share a story.
Of how I fell in love once.
His name was Boy. And we met in a silly way. We met in that class that was the basis of our relationship. That language that was the basis of our love. We talked in that class in that language. And that's how we met. And we did silly things like hold hands and hug and stalk eachother on Facebook. And we became close friends. And he helped me more than Boy can ever imagine. And I helped him too I think. And we fell in love. And we broke up. But love doesn't die like that. And we got back together. And we talked more in that language but we were no longer in that class. And we fell deeper in love. And we talked about spending our lives together. And living happy and in love. And we broke up. Because he moved to that country that was too far away. And I didn't try hard enough I guess. Because love doesn't fade like that. Unless you're boy, and then it does.

Maybe you have a similar story.
Let me know.
Stay rad,

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