Wednesday, August 18, 2010


If you're anything like me, this'll make perfect sense:

It's the hardest thing for some people to deal with. It's my biggest problem- the desire to be strong, invulnerable on the surface. Why do I do it? I don't want to "bother" people with what's on the inside. I could NEVER be vulnerable, never. Because when you build a nicely thought out wall around your true emotions, you "save" yourself from being hurt. Because it's so easy to pretend that that wall will protect you from getting hurt- from letting someone in, letting them see the TRUE, the RAW you, and leaving. But it never works. Never. You're going to have to let someone in, you're going to have to get hurt. If you don't, you'll end up with no one and nothing but a fake smile and a whole hell of a lot of pent up emotion.

If you let someone in, all the times you're not getting hurt (which is very rarely), you're doing so good. Because you don't have to worry about how you're acting and you don't have to concentrate on pretending to be 100% wonderful all the time, you just have to BE. So here are some tips about dealing with vulnerability:

Don't try to be strong all the time. Don't pretend you're superman. Don't pretend you can do it all. Don't paste a smile and say you're fine and go on. Don't sit and listen and never take the chance to speak. Don't be afraid to ask for help. It's NOT a good idea. You can't always put yourself last- it's not kind, it's stupid.

It never works out. And I promise, you'll be left crying at night with no one to listen because you listen to them, so much so that they can't listen to you. And when you break, they get terrified that the strongest thing in their life is broken.

So, it's OKAY to be vulnerable.
It's okay to say you're in pain.
It's all okay.
Because once you stop being "strong", you start living.
And once you start living, you can be more of a help to everyone and, more importantly, YOURSELF, then you ever imagined.

Remember that.
Stay rad,

P.S. If this helps, let me know. Maybe we can talk about it.

1 comment:

Dork said...

Baby girl. Stop reading my mind. Except. I don't think i could have said it better then you did. And thats because i never have the guts to talk about being the strong one. How everyone leans on me but no one is there when i need to lean back. This was incredibly advice Riley.