Sunday, August 29, 2010


You know the feeling of a little kid who works for months on their ballet recital and then, opening night, the minute they hit the stage, they look out for mom or dad and can't wait to show their parents what they've done and then... Nothing.
There's no one sitting in the seats they saved.
There's no smiling parent, gleaming with pride.
There's no video recorder. No flashing cameras.
Just... Empty space.

I'm much older than a little kid, but sometimes, it's hard not to feel that terrible emptiness of disappointment... when all your hard work takes the back seat to everything else in life.

Sorry that's so terribly "emo kid" of me.

Stay rad,


Cait said...

No es bueno. I wish I knew what to say, but I don't.

David said...

Sorry to hear it. Disappointment is never fun. You're in my thoughts.