Thursday, July 29, 2010

I was going to write this about....

Going to the hospital and such. But life has a funny way of slapping you in the face.
So I wanted to talk about some stuff.
Like how bloody idiotic it is to just "take a hit" of someone's cig when you're in high school. Or how some people think their only danger is parents figuring out- rather than losing a friend because they're so immature.
But... maybe you smoke. Or maybe one of your family members does. So I'm sorry if this offends you. I just don't think that a "devout Catholic" kid should be getting into that shit. At least, not until they're old enough to outgrow the whole hard core scene.
Maybe you have a problem. Maybe you know someone who is being ridiculous. If so, tell me about them. If you want, the comment won't go through (I moderate them... no need... but it makes me feel... important.) Maybe I'll give you a call or shoot you an email. I'm good at fixing things.
Also, let me know your opinions on attention. My next post will be about that.

Bonus: my friend challenged me this: Write a good thought every day for a week, a month, a year. Tell me your good thing. My good thing for today? "Just look at that smile, it's contagious." The pain doctor? He's pretty awesome.

Stay rad,

1 comment:

David said...

So, you know the girl? She back, and we're together. That's awesome.

The unawesome part? I've been defriended on Facebook by one of my closest friends, and she's cut me off completely. I don't actually know what's she trying to achieve. But it's sad, nonetheless.