Friday, July 9, 2010

So I was at my mother's office....

And I had absolutely nothing to do.... besides, you know, check my blog. But since I'm really not all that interesting and no one else has updated their blogs yet (I've come to the conclusion that the people I follow actually have lives), it was an unrewarding endeavor. But I had to come up with something to occupy my time. So I decided to conquer my lack of interesting material by writing anyway. This may be completely and utterly dull, I am sorry.

So I really don't have anything to say, other than that I'm cursing my wonderful ability to procrastinate. I have a shit load (excuse the language) of summer work to do. Which means that after/around/during my next two weeks of band camp (really, it's just like American Pie depicts it...), I have to complete all my summer assignments. Which seems ludicrous, because the AP work is really just busy work.

But I do need some help. I'm entering one of two manuscripts of mine into a writing contest to see if they may get published, except they have one debilitating flaw. The titles have the terrible problem of being identical to the titles of other.. popular books/series. The first: Left Behind. How can I change that? The second: Dear John (I know, it sounds like the Nicholas Sparks novel/movie, but when I wrote the story, I had no idea that Nicholas Sparks' book existed.)

Any help you can offer would be amazing.

Stay rad,

Tell me what you're doing this summer


David said...

Without knowing what the actual scripts are, it's a little difficult to try and rewrite the titles, no? More details, perhaps?

And this summer, I am waiting for a girl to get home from a month long mission trip to India. And the rest of the summer will be suitably amazing, I feel. Oh, and I'm working a bit, too, but that's just my day job...

Riley said...

David, good point. I'm a little abashed at how... friviolous my stories are.
Left behind is the love story of the kid across the street. But, (to not ruin all the plot twists) something happens and, alas, the lead female charachter leaves the lead male behind.
With Dear John, it is again a love story (love stories are the easiest to write) that isn't really how it should be (I like plot twists, no?). With complications and such in the way, the main girl can't find the courage to bridge the... gap that formed other than write him, John.

And that sounds like a wonderful summer.

Sara Dada said...

a) I'd still like to read them...and now I question, "THEM?! WHEN DID YOU WRITE ANOTHER AND WHY DIDN'T I KNOW :[?" But yeah, still wanna read it. My advice for a title--either something super short (1 word) or something super long (like that crazy long email subject). And definitely change the "Dear John" title, but the plot could still work...though I don't know what it is!

b) Yeah, more like an extension of a, but PLEASE send me the manuscripts!!! I must read them, and I have so much spare time...well, not really, but I'll make some.

c) Summer work sucks.

d) Summer plans = hanging out here at U of T for camp (going pretty's interesting), drowning in summer crap, planning for school, and hopefully getting some work done on MY manuscript (btdubs, wanna help me out with that?! It's not even 30 pages it won't take long).

e) I love you and your posts and I read all of them cause they intrigue me :] I'm glad you picked this back up, though I didn't know you started in the first place...

David said...

OK, so going with the short title idea, I reckon you could get away with 'Left' for the first story (if you could make the first or the last word of the story, 'right', that would be very pleasing.) And for the second one, 'Letters'?

They're lame, I know - but at least if you don't like them, you've got two less options to choose from.

Riley said...

Raz- A. Will do. I just finished Left Behind (103 pages...)
B. Awesome
C. True that
D. Waht are you doing at the illustrious U of T? Besides escaping to fields to write... ? And I really want to read it/help with it. Send it to me in an email.
E. Thank you! Right back at you... except you're just starting....

I love the ideas! Thank you so much. The left/right one made me laugh, I'm going to see if I can try to work that in.