Saturday, May 31, 2008


It is such an intresting topic. I mean, love is a word used very liberally (too liberally, if you ask me ((which, of course, you are because this is my blog))). What is love? Is it a state of mind? An emotion? A comboniation? Or just simply a silly little word to describe how a population felt for eachother that was stronger than a feeling of mutual aqueantinceship?

But love, above all things, is the only way to flush out some of the hate in the world. Love is the food that stops us from starving and the light that shows where to go from here. It is 'like oxygen, it lifts us up where we belong, all you need is love'. Love can save a life, it can start a passion, and feed a fire that can give warmth to millions.

Then again, love leads to pain, rejection, surrender, sacrifice, and vuanerability. All of these things we are told to believe are weaknesses, and brain-washed into thinking that they are bad. And just as well as love can save a life, it can end one, as well.

Hmm... Love is such an intresting thing.

Stay rad,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is indeed.
But I love it, so very much.