Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Goodmorning Sunshine

It's a pleasure to feel you today.
So I know I haven't posted anything on this blog for almost two months, but I mean, for a while of it I was in the hospital, and after getting OUT of the hospital I had some crazy make up work to do.
And I made mistakes and I hurt friends and I made things right and I helped friends, but most importantly I decided to go on retreat this past weekend.
And let me tell you.
I don't know if you've ever been on a retreat, I don't care if you're Christian or not. Retreat is something you can't miss. A retreat is like literally getting away from all of the LIFE you're dealing with and finally living. You get to hit the reset button.
And so I know that I'm pretty sure none of you who follow me are Catholic (besides Dev Dev), so I don't expect you to get this. But there's this thing we crazy Catholic's do called adoration. And do cut out all the complicated theology and explanations of transubstantiation that can take hours, I'm going to get down right to the root of it. We believe that we are literally siting in the presence of God and it is NOTHING but awe inspiring. And that's where my reset began. That's where I could finally say, alright God, I'm not living this the way I need to be. I'm not acting the way I should. What do you want me to do? And you know what? God told me a whole lot. But one thing that is an undeniable truth that can go for any religion or lack there of is something that I was graced with learning: Are you sure you're actually living?
Because I realized I wasn't. So I wanted to take this chance to challenge you all. Look at your life.

Are you sure you're actually living?


trumpetkid said...

dev dev likes this post.
dev dev says that you should keep living
dev dev say that retreat is awesome
dev dev says that you are awesome

Cait said...

Cait says she loves you. And I'm glad you're living again.