Maybe, just maybe, it's that all the conventional wisdom and knowledge out there is nothing but nonsense, and the real truth, the real thing you need to learn about life, the real reason we are here is for us to make mistakes. It's for us to feel pain and feel joy and FEEL and learn right and wrong and mess up and then GROW from it. The real meaning of life- life is a game. A game of trial and error until it's your time to go. LIFE is practice. It is trying something new. It is taking a risk even if it might end badly. It is learning and trying and feeling and needing and receiving and giving and sharing and caring and being cared for. Life is one big chance. Life is MEANT to be hard, it is meant to have times where all else fails, where you are at the lowest of lows. Life is that low, but it is also the highest of highs- the high from retreat or from a first kiss with the person you love. Life is all the mess ups and scars and bandaids and duct taped wallets and work and troubles and rewards and suffering and relief.
The meaning of life is just to do it, to learn from it, to grow from it, until the time comes when you've learned all you need to know and you get to go back home.
And the only way that you can ruin it is by giving up and deciding that you have learned all you can before your time has come and remaking the same mistake over and over and not learning a single thing. That's the ONLY time you can say that your life is bad, that it is ruined.
Think about that.
Stay rad,